Celebrating the permanence (or impermanence) of the art on our bodies
EDIT!: Thanks to everyone that submitted links to our temporary tattoo show! We'll be posting the list of artists shortly! Thank you to everyone that got a chance to submit your sites!
Sneak-attack! That's how I'm feeling with this call for art! We have a quick timeline for this call for entries and a quick turn-around!
Why, you ask? Well, we have something awesome planned for our March show!
We have a whole MONTH of celebrating Tattoos and tattoo culture! Yes, just the other day, Chris was joking around (as we were playing Dungeons and Dragons with some awesome friends) about how instead of carrying an enchanted ring or a bottle of poison-- his magical item is his 'sic tat'. We all had a hearty laugh, and Chris maintained his stoic attitude and vowed to use it for good throughout the course of our game.
I know for sure that 3 out of the 5 of us at Light Grey have tattoos, and the other two have a healthy appreciation for them!
How about you? Have any? Like them? Like the idea of them? Well here we go!
A tribute to tattoos (of the temporary kind)
March 22 - April 12th
Is being featured in the Adjunct gallery at Light Grey for the month and is running alongside BLOWOUT: The Art of Tattoo Culture, a benefit show for Tom Strom in the main room!
(More details about BLOWOUT soon!)
We're looking for artists interested in creating their very own page of tattoo flash, to be on exhibition in the adjunct gallery as well as seriously awesome, temporary tattoos that will be available online! Yes! We will make them into real temporary tattoos so you can wear them on your face! Or your friends faces! Or anywhere else!
Now is your chance to design the most awesome, epic, hilarious, clever, or otherwise - tattoos and let the universe see what you're made of. More details about the show and the sizes will be sent to our list of participating artists.
Submit your name, email and website / blog below to be considered, and please help us spread the word! BY MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH!!
Part of the proceeds for Beautiful Forever will go to raise money for Tom Strom, - in coordination with the Blowout Show.
We will be posting a list of all participating artists on Tuesday, February 19th and will follow up in an email with more details!
Please help us spread the word! Thanks guys!