Cake Ramp by Brock Davis
Thanks to everyone that got a chance to submit their names for the Smart Exhibition call for art curated by Amy NG, founder of Pikaland!
We're gearing up for a month of sharp, witty, and clever artwork following next month's scientific exhibition: Macro & Micro (Official Facebook Invitation here, put it on your calendars!).
As we start to get ready for it, we'll also be reaching out to various artists (yourself included!) to talk with us about how you consider topics for your work and what you do to challenge yourself to create interesting and innovative pieces!
We're super excited to announce that ultra clever, multi-disciplinary artist, art director and creative, Brock Davis, will be joining us as our Featured Artist for the duration of the Smart Exhibition! I had the chance to meet Brock a couple years ago after stumbling upon a t-shirt design he had created for Design By Humans, and found out that he lived and worked in Minneapolis (and is a really nice guy, too). After talking with him, it was apparent that he is extremely passionate about creating work that asks us to look at the world in new, clever and inspiring ways. There was no doubt that he was my top pick for this month's feature. We're extremely excited to have him join us.
If you haven't had a chance to take a peek at some of his work, please do. His Make Something Cool Everyday project allowed a glimpse into his stream of consciousness. It's amazing to watch, on a daily basis, each new idea gave way new ideas and a more complex network of concepts, juxtapositions, compositions and statements.
He's done countless amazing pieces and participated in countless projects -- including work for the New York Times, Wired, Esquire, Fast Company and O Magazine, along with his work as a creative director at Carmichael Lynch. It's hard to give Brock full credit in couple paragraphs, so please, take a peek at his work and you'll see what I mean. He is truly a master creating work to surprise and delight.
Without further ado!
Here are our participating artists for the Smart Exhibition!
Opening night for the Smart show will be opening May 17 and running through June 7th.
Sally Welchman (Oswald Flump)
Joana Rosa Braganca
Sarah McNeil
Jenn Smith
Nelleke Verhoeff
Lie Dirkx
Kim Welling
Daniela Witzel
Gee Fan (Minifanfan)
Marja Ines Gul
Meera Lee Patel
Pablo Ientile
Natasha Durley
Naomi Elliott
Jess Smart Smiley
Soeun Lee
Marloes de Vries
Charlotte Mao
Teressa Ong
Marisa Seguin
Joe Lillington
Kayla Wasil
Caroline Hadilaksono
Rebekka Dunlap
Melissa Duffy
danamarie hosler
Katy Tanis
Yinfan Huang
Faye Moorhouse
Cameron Asao
Frances Alvarez
Elisabeth McNair
Marina Aizen
Richie Pope
Thanks again to everyone that submitted work and congratulations to everyone that is joining us for the Smart Exhibition! Keep an eye out for out next couple calls for art! They should be dropping within the next couple weeks!
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