What inspired the work you have in the exhibition? Specifically, why did you choose the subjects you chose?
I love Sugar Skulls. The colours, the unique hand painted texture, and the whole idea behind it. I love em! I figured I couldn't go wrong when doing something I plan on getting tattooed on myself in the future. My piece didn't come from anywhere deep. I simply wanted to adress the idea of being true to yourself, and everyone/everything around. Nothing more to a human being than that.
Talk about the medium you used to make your piece.
I wish I was more complicated, but I used a pen, paper, and then worked in Illustrator and Photoshop.
Do you listen to anything while you’re working? What have you been listening to lately?
I've been obsessed with the Local Natives, and the Shins lately. I am really indecisive though, so I usually turn to Songza, or Grooveshark for pre-made playlists. I can honestly say that I have a harder time getting things done without some good tunes in the background.
Do you have any tattoos? Tell us about them!
I got my first tattoo when I turned 18. Now, I have too many, or too little depending on how you look at it. I have a reindeer on my arm inspired by my grandfather, a sparrow on the other arm for my grandmother. I love them both so much. I also have a tattoo of a cupcake, a tooth which to me represents constant growth, and a bunch of script and lettering.

Whether you have a tattoo or not, it’s *possible* you have considered a tattoo you would like to have. What would that dream tattoo be?
Hmm, this is a tough one. I have been thinking about getting roses on my shoulders for a while now so I think that will be next on my list. I plan on (hopefully) having a suit by the time I die. All my tattoos are inspired by life events, lessons, or people that mean a lot to me, and I plan on keeping it that way.
Read more about Neverland on her blog, see more of her work on her site or follow her on Twitter!
Read more about Neverland on her blog, see more of her work on her site or follow her on Twitter!
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