The Gang's all here!

A view from our table at Autoptic
Between all of us at Light Grey we got to talk to a number of the artists tabling there. I was happy to see past teachers Barbara Schulz, Zak Sally, Vincent Stall, and James O'Brien.
We also met so many talented people that I've only known through their work. I'm certainly forgetting people (I don't mean to!), but Bart King, Sam Sharpe, Kevin Cannon, JP Coovert, the folks at Sparkplug Books, and Grimalkin Press are few of the people who gave us convention advice and talked with us about the ups and downs of book production.

Lindsay and Jenny chat about all the amazing things they're seeing

The In Place book!
And of course we're always happy to see artists who have exhibited with us, including Brad McGinty, Anna Bongiovanni, Erik Krenz, and Evan Palmer.

Local Artist Erik Krenz talks to other local artist, Jesse Riggle!

Fun was had by all!
One of these days (soon!) I'll post my Autoptic purchases–my highly cherished collection of zines, books and prints. And thank you and congratulations, Autoptic crew, for putting on such a great event! Here's to many more!
Light grey art lab is a website that has a blog about Autoptic where people meet and work together. You need to check fastessay reviews and get to learn more new tips about the study session. The artisan people said that they are watching many talented people that I've only known through their work. Join it for all the images.