"One of the few ways a Jackalope can be caught is by leaving out a bottle of whiskey, as it is the Jackalopes sustenance of choice. It has also been said that the jackalope can convincingly imitate any sound, including the human voice. It uses this ability to elude pursuers, chiefly by using phrases such as "There he goes! That way!" During days of the Old West, when cowboys gathered by the campfires singing at night, jackalopes could often be heard mimicking their voices."

"I currently have two dumb cats who think they're super smart (both rescues, Kiwi and D'Artagnan) and my family's first dog, Buster, a French Briard, recently passed away a couple months ago, but we saved him from a kill shelter mere days before he was to be euthanized. We had him with us for 17 short years and was loved dearly! The photo attached is from when he was 13 and still as spry as when we first got him (I'm the one awkwardly perched next to him on the rock)"
You can see more work by Sam on her website here And in the Light Grey Art Lab Online Shop A portion of the proceeds from this artists work will go to Homeward Bound Dog Rescue.
Sam is doing good job. I hope a lot of readers with the help of Sam, watching at his works will become kinder to animals.
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