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Talking with Mary Jo Hoffman
Length: 01:10:50
Synopsis: Our newest exhibition, Macro + Micro: A Celebration of the Natural World, opened last Friday! This week on the podcast we talk to Macro + Micro's featured artist, Mary Jo Hoffman. Mary Jo is the creator of Stilblog (http://stillblog.net), a beautiful and simple look at the natural world around us. During the second half of the podcast, Ian Gorton joins the usual crew of Francesca, Chris, Jenny and Lindsay to discuss.

Show Notes:
-Stillblog - Mary Jo Hoffman's ongoing project.
-Design*Sponge tours Mary Jo's house.
-Look for photos of Macro + Micro and a preview of Mary Jo's collection coming soon!
We visited Mary Jo at her home to record the podcast and talk about plans for the Macro + Micro show. While we were recording, I shot some photos. I thought I'd share a few, but if you'd like to see more, check out our flickr photo set!

I will go and check out your podcast. Maybe you will invite me for your future episodes. It will be a pleasure for me.