We're busy. Between hosting an opening last Friday, looking through hundreds of portfolios for upcoming shows, writing/producing a companion book, and trying to wrap up all of our work before flying to NYC and Iceland in the next week... we're busy. And we're sure you are too. So that's why this week we wanted to talk about what that means, how to deal with it, and how good it feels to check boxes off a list!
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You Get More Done When You're Busy
Length: 01:09:12
Synopsis: You're busy, we're busy, everyone's busy. All the time. C'est la vie. On this week's podcast Chris, Lindsay, Francesca and Jenny talk about how we parse a busy schedule, where to start digging in, and the ultimate rush of crossing something off a list. Sometimes it's tough to start tackling deadlines, fulfilling promises, and following through on commitments but just remember; you get more done when you're busy.
Show Notes:
Spaceteam - We mention this game is similar to what it's like working at Light Grey Art Lab. It's the ultimate team communication game. Chaotic, frenzied and super, duper fun. If you have friends/family/enemies with iOS devices, download Spaceteam. You won't regret it (and it's free, so what do you have to lose?).
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