September is Self-Initiated Project month at Light Grey. Are you someone that has decided to put in the long hours, toiling away at a self-initiated project, fueled by that fervent interest to propel yourself further as an artist, a creator, or a human being?! Do you have the tired eyes and achy wrists of an overachiever? Do you have a series of work, or a perpetual project, or a printed work that exists somewhere in the ether 'just because you wanted to?'
Then we want to see what you've made!
EDIT: 8.5.13 Thanks to everyone that submitted to the Nights & Weekends Exhibition!
We're excited to announce this shortly - give us a day or so and we'll be able to let you know the final list of artists!
Thanks and way to go - there were an awesome number of people that submitted online & on the form with amazing work.
We are looking for people with any of the following types of work to submit their collections, series, books, projects and artwork for our newest exhibition,
A Celebration of Self-initiated Projects
(Running alongside the 1703 Miles & Back Tour / Sketchbook Project Exhibition)
Opens Friday, September 20th from 7 - 10pm
Books, zines, comics, an artistic series of any type (drawings, paintings, digital work, design), animation, typography,... basically any visual medium that we can display, along with an artist statement about the project, and about yourself, your intentions and your ambitions.
If you made a series of SOMETHING -- it's fair game.

One image of the 400+ piece 8 Bit Dreams project by Campbell Whyte, our featured artist for the Nights & Weekends exhibition! (More information about this soon!)
We want to know all about your inspirations, your process, the items themselves and we want to throw a party in honor of your achievements!
The details:
In order to enter this call for art you have to make sure you can answer a resounding 'YES!' to the following things:
1. Have you created and finished a self-initiated project sometime in the last two years?
2. Can you take photos of this project and send us documentation of what it is, what it's made out of, and how many pieces are in it?
3. Can you tell us why the project exists? (Tell us all about how it started, why you did it, and what you're proud of)
4. Are you able to ship the project to and from Light Grey?
5. Would you be comfortable talking with us on the Light Grey Podcast about yourself and your work?
6. Would you be able to provide images or photos of your process of this project, too?
7. You make a blood pact with us that you'll be able to do all of these things by August 20th. (ok, not a blood pact, but a reasonable-alternative-to-blood pact would be fine too)
If you said "YES!" to all of those things, then here's what we need!
Put you name, email and a link to your site / blog in the comments below and then Fill out this application for Nights & Weekends by JULY 29th.
There are only a couple things we can't do for this exhibition. The work can not be for a client, a school project, or initiated by someone else. It's about you, your brain power, and your drive to get it done.
We'll be reviewing all of the submissions over that week and will be announcing the final list of artists for the NIGHTS & WEEKENDS exhibition on Tuesday August 6th!
All of the participating artists will be given wall space and facilities to show their work. Jenny and I will be helping provide everyone involved with resources for displaying their projects as well! Each participating artist will also be able to sell their work on the online shop and in the gallery, as well as be provided with a documented section for each person on the Light Grey Art Lab website (which will contain photos of the exhibition, documentation of the installation, the work, and description of the artist and the project (including links to each artist / project if it is elsewhere online)
If you have any questions, please let us know! We'd be happy to tell you all of the answers! Just send us a note to hello@lightgreyartlab.com