The wait is almost over! We are extremely honored to bring you In Place: wish you were here, a large exhibition and collaborative book project incorporating nearly fifty works by illustrators, designers, and concept artists from around the world.
Each artist has created magnificent, breathtaking, and detailed works, capturing the experience and history imbedded in each place. From the ancient rows of temples in Bagan, to an abandoned power plant in North Carolina, a tiny alleyway in Toyko, Japan, and a the forgotten Easter Island, In Place is about the beauty and mystery, as much as the culture, ways of life, and mark in history and imagination. These are the places that inspire us to create and dream!
Sneak peek of work by Kim Smith
Come take a trip around the world, as we enjoy all these artworks in the In Place Exhibition, which opens August 23rd from 7pm-10pm. To see the full list of participants or more information about the opening reception check out our facebook event.
Detail of Hardangervidda by Maike Plenzke
Following the reception, August 24th from 12pm-3pm, Light Grey Art Lab will be doing a book signing, artist talk, and discussion at Verdant Tea! Stop by for some refreshing teas and traditional pouring, meet some of the artists, and learn more about collaborative book making and process! We are extremely excited to talk with the artists about their views and research along the way. You can see more about the book signing event here.
You can read more about the In Place book on our online shop, which is now available for pre-order!
Detail of Camelot by Jeff Johnson
We will be celebrating this project and exhibition for an entire month! So stop by Light Grey Art Lab or the permanent online gallery to see more about the show and view the entire collection. (available this Friday)
For more details about the project and the In Place book.
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