Thank you to everyone who came out to the Rolemodels opening reception last Friday! It was a great kick-off to a boisterous Halloween weekend, with plenty of people coming dressed in fantasy costume, which we loved! It was awesome to finally be able to play The Battle For Vyk'Tornaahl card game with everyone, and it was made all the more special to be playing right alongside actual armor-clad, blade-wielding warriors!

With 99 Heroes and Villains lining the walls of the main gallery, and four massive landscapes alongside full-sized cloth banners depicting the sigil of each Kingdom, as well as a giant map of the Realm of Vyk'Tornahhl, visitors had plenty to absorb. Throughout the night, people poured over the details of each piece, and stopped to read the history and backstory of their favorite characters. As an added and surreal treat, many of the participating artists came dressed as their own characters, too!

Jenny was manning the bar pouring colorful drinks of all types. Besides a fitting set of beer (Rogue Dead Guy Ale, Warrior IPA, Magic Hat, and Ranger IPA), we offered mixed drinks like bright red Heath Elixirs, mysitcal blue Mana Potions and the dark-as-night Black Magic.

And, of course, there was a table set up with pick-up games of our brand new card game, The Battle For Vyk'Tornaahl, being taught and played all night long. Anyone willing to learn could sit down and play a round of two of the game themselves. It was great fun, with most people getting a grip on the game after only a few minutes of explanation. I won't lie, although we were just playing to learn and have fun, a few of the games turned into fairly heated battles with plenty of smack-talk and mind games... but of course everyone was a great sport in the end!

Again, thank you to all the artists who participated in the show, and to all of you for making it out to celebrate with us!
You can see more pictures in our Rolemodels flickr set! And as always, you can see all the work from Rolemodels exhibition on the Light Grey Art Lab website and purchases artwork from the show on the Light Grey Art Lab shop!

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